1. 典礼地点:新主楼会议中心第二报告厅。
2. 参加留学研究生毕业典礼的毕业生请在6月27日前在国际学院207房间登记。
3. 请在29日上午9:15前抵达会场就座。
The Graduation Ceremony of International Postgraduates will be held on 29 June:
1. VENUE: No. 2 Lecture Hall, New Main Building Conference Center, Beihang University
2. Graduates attending the graduation ceremony are requested to register at Room 207 of the International School before 27 June.
3. Please arrive at the venue before 9:15 AM on the 29th.
Note:The Graduation Ceremony for MASTA Program will be held on 4:00 pm on 29 June.