Satellite Project Kick-Off Meeting (Phase 2 on the way)

On Friday, January 12th, 2018, the kick-off meeting for the Satellite Project on the second phase was held between representatives of the Beihang University, the International Scientific Society and various international students. Among the attendees, Dr. Wang Xinsheng was present as the main responsible and Tutor of the SatelliteProject. Dr. Marco Cabero also attended the meeting andexplainedthe objectives and goals to be achieved. Following the slogan “Beihang Light the dream” the international students Fatih Avci and Vahid Rastinasab, responsible for the projectpresented their ideas regarding the project. Additionally,the selected candidatesintroduced themselves,manifestingtheir interest for the realization of this project, not only for academic purposes but because it allows the possibility of participating on different competencestodemonstrate theskillsof the students at Beihang University.The two final teams will be multidisciplinary and integrative, with students of different majors and countries. The results of this two teamswill be shownafter this new term starts. Stay tuned for more.

Writer: Maria Guarirapa
Editor: Marco A. Cabero