Application on Extension of Scholarship Duration for Chinese Government Scholarship Students

According to the relevant notice of China Scholarship Council, we hereby inform you as follows:

1. Doctoral Degree candidates

Doctoral Degree candidates who maintain good study record and good behavior, have completed the thesis proposal, and cannot finish their studies on time due to special reasons, may apply for the extension of the scholarship duration. To apply for the extension of the scholarship duration, the following documents shall be submitted:

(1) Application Form for Extension of Scholarship Duration.

(2) Academic progress report. It shall state whether the thesis proposal and mid-term examination have been completed, specify the necessity of applying for the extension of scholarship and the duration (one semester or one year), and submit the opinions of the supervisor.

(3) Attend the annual review of the scholarship.

(4) Non BUAA-CSC Doctoral Degree candidates (Bilateral Program) are also required to provide the approval letter from the embassy in China for extending the duration of scholarship in principle.

2. Other students:

Master/Bachelor Degree candidates (Bilateral Program only) who apply for the extension of the scholarship,are required to send the application to the embassy in China (or the Scholarship Accepting Authority) for extending the scholarship duration. The embassy (or the Scholarship Accepting Authority) shall provide the approval letters of occupying the scholarship quotas in the next year.

The extension application for BUAA-CSC Master Degree candidates(the CSC number including "GXZ""GXY""SLJ""DFH")will not be accepted.

3. Deadline

Students applying for the extension of the scholarship should submit their application while participating in the annual review of the scholarship. The deadline is April 30, 2020.

Please submit the application materials to:

Late applications will not be accepted under any circumstances. Ineligible or incomplete applications will not be considered.

The extension application will be reviewed by the China Scholarship Council for final approval.

International School of Beihang University

April 12, 2020