Notice on the Arrangement during the Summer Vacation 2024

The Summer Vacation Arrangement 2024 is as follows:

Undergraduates (except freshmen): Summer vacation 2024 starts on July 1 and ends on September 1, 2024. New semester will start on September 2, 2024 (Monday).

Postgraduates (except freshmen): Summer vacation 2024 starts on July 11 and ends on August 25, 2024. New semester will start on August 26, 2024 (Monday).

Office hours of the International Relations Department during the vacation:

Normal office hours, 8:30-11:30a.m.,2:00-5:00p.m., July 11 to August 25(Except Saturday and Sunday)

During the vacation, the laboratories and computer rooms in the International School will be closed.

The summer vacation duty schedule of International Relations Department is listed in the attachment.

We sincerely hope everybody will have a good vacation, and would like to call your attention to the following important information:

1. If students who are currently on campus need to leave the campus, please inform your leaving plan to your advisor one day in advance.

2. For the students staying in China, if your visa or residence permit expires before August 25, please contact your grade advisor and visa teacher to make an appointment before July 9.

3. Chinese Government Scholarship (CSC) students are required to complete offline registration from September 3 to September 6, 2024. The registration location will be notified separately. Students who fail to complete the registration will have their living allowances for the month suspended.

4. The International School reminds all international students and classmates to pay attention to the health and personal safety of themselves and their families during the holidays, and arrange their studies and scientific research work reasonably. Vocation reminders are as follows:

(1) Pay attention to travel safety: comply with all local laws and regulations, refuse to ride vehicles without a valid operation license to prevent unwanted incidents. Avoid traveling to areas with little safety facilities or with no rescue personnel or lifeguards. Refrain from engaging in outdoor activities like mountain climbing or hiking in locations without safety guidelines to prevent accidents. It is not allowed to organize activities in the name of a collective without approval.

(2) Strictly adhere to university and student dormitory regulations. Avoid staying out late or hosting guests of the opposite sex in dormitories. Abstain from gambling, excessive drinking, or using high power electrical appliances such as electric furnace or electric cooking stoves in the room. Keep the dormitory tidy at all times.

(3) Beware of telecom and online fraud. Install the "全民反诈" APP, to protect personal privacy and cultivate good payment habits.

(4) Abide all Chinese laws and regulations. Avoid drug use and trafficking. Do not ride or drive motorcycles or oversized electric vehicles.

(5) In case of emergencies, call the university security office’s 24-hour hotline: 010-82317110 (Xueyuanlu Campus), 010-61716000 (Shahe Campus), 110 (police hotline), and contact your grade advisor to report to the International School.

We wish you a happy vacation!

Attachment: The summer vacation duty schedule of International Relations Department