Instructions of International Students Dormitory Application of Beihang University

Because the number of on-campus dormitory rooms is limited and can not meet the demands of all students to live on campus, the new students who have received the Admission Notice of Beihang University need to book the rooms in advance via the online system:

The Username for dormitory application system: Passport Number (Case insensitive, no space; no dashes and spaces).

The Password for dormitory application system: Date of birth (format: YYYYMMDD)

When to Apply: from 8:00AM (GMT+8, Beijing time) 15thJuly to 8:00AM (GMT+8, Beijing time) 20thJuly, 2016.

Rooms are booked on a first-come-first-served basis; please complete the reservation procedure as soon as you can.

The applicants are suggested to visit the system in advance (10th to 14th July), to ensure that the user name and password are correct.

If the applicant is unable to log in, please contact the International School of Beihang University:

Tel: +86-10-82316937,+86-10-82339326,

The system is currently open to the undergraduate students only.

Accommodation arrangements for all the postgraduate students and exchange students please refer to the admission notices.

Chinese Government Scholarship students are not required to apply for accommodation, and the accommodation will be arranged by the university.